Music Products
Piano Play Music Game App
This app is a fun and educational approach to teaching music appreciation to children as early as 2 years old. These exciting easy-play games are based on Piano Play’s own successful in-house method books. In this app Lowey the lion and Hija the mouse explore the characteristic sounds of individual instruments and helps the player to distinguish between low, middle and high tones.
This game app can be purchased by going to: Sharon Shaheed Apps on the App Store – iTunes – Apple Sharon Shaheed – Android Apps on Google Play
Call us at (818) 789-6110 to ask for cost and details.
Lowey Hija & Friends Game CD
Lowey Hija & Friends is a fun educational approach to learning for children. These exciting easy-play games teach general music skills such as ear training, rhythm recognition, music terminology, keyboard geography, and instrument recognition.
Call us at (818) 789-6110 to ask for cost and details.

Songs that Appeal to both Kids and Adults
Playroom Audio Song CD
Featuring instruments in the orchestra and famous stories:
- The Three Billy Goat Gruff
- The Three Little Pigs
- Goldilocks & The Three Bears
- The Little Red Hen
- The Brementown Musicians
Call us at (818) 789-6110 to ask for cost and details.

Sharon’s Special Friend’s Song CD

Featuring instruments in the orchestra and famous stories:
- Let’s Get Ready
- Great Day
- 5 Silly Dill
- Wacky Doo
- What Do You Hear?
- Greedy, Greedy Crocodile
- Seasons
- Hello Fingers
- The Turtle & Mr. Eagle
- You’re Special
Call us at (818) 789-6110 to ask for cost and details.